Toni Pou
Science writer and journalist
He holds a degree in physics from the University of Barcelona (UB) and is a science writer. He coordinates the science supplement of the newspaper ARA and is a regular contributor to magazines such as El Món d'Ahir and radio programmes such as El matí de Catalunya Ràdio and Els viatgers de la Gran Anaconda. He is co-director of the Postgraduate Degree in Science Communication at the University of Vic (UVic) and co-founder of the science communication agency Eduscopi. From 2013 to 2019 he curated the travelling exhibition L'Àrtic es trenca, produced by CosmoCaixa.
He is the author of the books On el dia dorm amb els ulls oberts (Empúries, 2011 / Anagrama, 2013), winner of the Godó Reporter Award and the Prisma Award for the best popular science book published in Spain, Si un dit assenyala la lluna (Anagrama, 2021), an original intellectual adventure narrated by a wise and humble voice, El meu nom és Univers (Actar, 2022), where he explores the relationship between art and science, and Jordi Sabater Pi, l'últim naturalista (Ajuntament de BCN and Edicions UB), the first book about the Catalan primatologist written from the correspondence he kept during the thirty years he lived in Africa.

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